
Pinterest | Greenville, NC Photographer

I am a huge Pinterest junkie.. I admit it!  I jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon very early on – March 10th, 2011, to be exact!  Oh, what a day.  Oh, what a year!! I had no idea what I (or the rest of the creative-thinking world) was getting into.  I love Pinterest.  I feel so creative, ambitious, inspired, and happy when I go to that website.  I have tons of boards, from Home Decor to Recipe ideas, Photography inspirations and Marketing ideas to Color swatch boards.  I got married in April of last year, and I still pin to my Weddings board because there are so many amazing ideas readily and easily available now!

Amanda Brendle Photography - Pinterest

What’s fun and exciting is that I hit 5,000 pins this week, and that number is constantly rising!  Well, maybe it doesn’t sound “fun and exciting”.. it could seem really lame.  Or that I’ve lost my mind.  But reasonably, over the course of a year, I don’t think 5,000 is a bad number at all.  I’ve paced myself!  It’s exciting to me because I have marked so many great ideas, and I refer to my pins often!  I love when I haven’t prepared a menu for dinner, so last minute (of course) I can jump on pinterest, click on my recipes board, and have a wide range of options that I have hand-selected that sound tasty, easy, and otherwise manageable.  Awesome!


If you haven’t visited before, would like to join, or want to learn more, please please please comment here or shoot me a note that you’d like to join (currently still open by invitation only, but I would love to send you an invite, which is your express ticket in).  I want everyone to be able to share in this website which I love so dearly.  And of course, I would love to follow you and see what YOUR great minds are like!  Share your links here in the comments below!


Here is where you can find my (outrageous!) Pinterest boards


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